Phone number for consultations
You can receive consultation on possible violations of human rights or good governance in a state or local government institution, discrimination or violation of equal treatment.
Contact us in writing
You can ask questions and receive answers about happened or possible violations of human rights and good governance in state or local government institutions, discrimination or violation of equal treatment. The answer is given within 14 days.
Submit an application
You can submit an application to the Ombudsman in two ways: electronically signed with a secure electronic signature or via Ombudsman's e-address (if the applicant has created their own e-address); or in paper sent by post or submitted on site at the Ombudsman’s Office during working hours - from Monday to Thursday at 9.00 - 16.00.
Information on submitting applicationsEmployee contacts
Employee contactsOn-site consultations
Acceptance of documents in person and previously applied on site consultations at the Ombudsman's Office will now take place from Monday to Thursday, but the office will be closed for visitors on Friday. On Fridays, consultations are only available remotely by phone +371 67686768 or +371 25576154.
You can also contact the office electronically via e-mail
Chancellery departments’ telephone number +371 67201417.
People with questions on the rights of refugees and asylum seekers are welcome to call +371 26128600.
This order will be valid from January 20 until the end of the heating season.
Registration details
Ombudsman's Office of the Republic of Latvia
Registration number: 90000055101
Address: Baznīcas iela 25, Rīga, LV-1010
Bank: Valsts kase (The State Treasury)
Konts: LV04TREL2050008003000