Ombudsman addresses representatives of CoE Member States on the role of NHRI
On 31 May Ombudsman Juris Jansons participated in the meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies of the Council of Europe to deliver his commentary on the Council of Europe Recommendation to member States on the development and strengthening of effective, pluralist and independent national human rights institutions (CM 2021/1).
The Ombudsman explained about several mandates of the Latvian national human rights institution (NHRI), stressing that the understanding and expectations towards NHRIs are changing due to internal and external changes.
The Council of Europe Recommendation to member States on the development and strengthening of effective, pluralist and independent national human rights institutions (CM 2021/1) is another instrument that helps national human rights institutions strengthen their position in the general legal system, while States are obliged to strengthen and listen to such institutions. These CoE recommendations help the NHRIs identify their strengths and see opportunities for further improvement.