Studies and reports
Pirms uzsākat meklēšanu, vēlamies informēt, ka meklēšana tiek nodrošināta, izmantojot Google pakalpojumus. Spiežot pogu “meklēt”, Jūs piekrītat Google pakalpojumu nosacījumiem.
The right to housing means the right to live somewhere in safety, peace and dignity. The State must provide everyone with the opportunity to find adequate housing. Priority should be given to helping people who, for objective reasons, are unable to exercise their right to housing, such as poor people. The right to housing includes not only ‘a roof over your head’, but also aspects such as legal protection against forced evictions, access to housing connected to infrastructure and services, compliance with and accessibility to safety and health standards (e.g. for persons with disabilities).
Example: The local government assigned an apartment to me, but it has cracked a window and the shower is broken — only cold water is available. Do I have the right to complain?